3D Printer Guns: The End of the State Monopoly on Security

The state is the criminal organization that has taken control of a given territory through violence in the distant past. All their other activities derive as a logical consequence of preserving this dominance and profiting from this activity.

Firearms are always a very critical issue for the stability of the state, its existence and its ability to extract the maximum expropriation from the population depends heavily on the population seeing the state as legitimate and not having the mechanisms to defend itself.

3D printers are starkly changing this perspective, from the first example of a weapon that actually fired ( Liberator ), which was much more a demonstration of a concept than an actual combat weapon, brilliantly touted by its creator Cody Wilson , to the more recent semi-automatic carbine FGC-9 , an acronym for Fuck the Gun Control and the 9mm caliber, which is being used effectively by civilians to defend themselves from state violence in Myanmar .

The FGC-9 is an effective combat weapon designed not to use parts that are subject to state regulations, mainly springs, bolts and barrels are metal parts, and everything else produced in plastic with a 3D printer.

Sites such as DEFCAD were fundamental in the evolution of the production of this type of weaponry, created by Cody Wilson , where it allows users to download and upload their prototypes, evaluate the results, assembly tips and possible improvements.

The evolution of open source 3D modeling software (such as Blender ), was also an important milestone for the design of the components of these weapons.

In terms of hardware, the evolution of 3D printers was fundamental to improve the accuracy, speed and cost of acquiring a printer, and the Ender-3 v2 from Creality , has become a reference in the community due to its low cost and to play its role well in the manufacture of this type of weaponry.

Plastics also evolved, there was a serious problem of choice of materials between PLA (which presented good design results by printers, but extremely fragile parts for the production of armaments) and ABS (which due to its rigidity produced more robust parts but it was very difficult for printers to be able to print faithful to the project) which was solved with the appearance in the market of PLA+ which is a plastic that managed to approach the resistance of the ABS without losing the precision of PLA in the production of parts.

3D printer armaments are not a simple task to produce, the person who is interested will need to learn how to regulate these printers in various aspects, level the table, speed and angle of printing, adjustments in the design of these parts for a better result for their specific configurations, assembly requires the use of a drill, glue among other techniques commonly used in woodworking.

However, it is feasible to produce this type of weaponry for the person who is willing to dedicate time to this activity, assembly techniques and materials are constantly evolving, and armaments have become more efficient and reliable.

The big reality check that 3D printer guns are providing to the authorities is that the population increasingly has an efficient way to defend itself, which does not depend on legal authorization. And this can be exemplified in the persecution of the creator of the FGC-9 , JStark1809 , which began with a state-funded study , until a police raid on his residence that culminated in his death. All events with media coverage aimed at denigrating the image of JStark1809 and giving reason to the violence committed against him.

The defense and love of freedom of JStark1809 , will never die, because a FGC-9 is an idea conceived and widely disseminated, which has proven its efficiency. Our lives are fleeting, and standing up for what is right is key to finding inner and spiritual peace. A genius is a man who is able to create an effective idea, and ideas cannot be stopped, to honor the memory and legacy of that noble man. Rest in peace.