Family organization

On the gold standard, it was common for a young man, a recent graduate, to have the income to own property and get married, being able to afford the costs of a family. As currency became less and less of a real representation of a physical gold reserve, accumulating wealth became an increasingly difficult task, and along with the expansion of the monetary base came increasing state intervention in the economy, resulting in an increased tax burden, making it increasingly difficult and time-consuming for a man to earn income from his work to support his family.

At the same time, it is in the interest of the state and the financial system for women to participate more and more in the labor market, becoming taxpayers, leaving income in their bank accounts to be depreciated by inflation, and not being actively present in their children's education, relying primarily on school and media information for this task.

Marriages have become lateer, and at a time when the woman is often no longer at the peak of her physical health and the man at the same time does not yet have income and reserves for the task of supporting a family. Often implying an expense for the parents, the value of the man's work is ignored and what matters in marriage is the assets of the woman's parents and the man's, resulting in long-term indebtedness to be able to pay for basic expenses and a home for the new family that is forming.

A family that starts out in debt, that consumes the wealth of the parents, that the mother is unable to be present in the education of the children, that the number of children is decreasing due to the difficulties in obtaining income and a home that is adequate to the size of the family, that all its source of education comes from state education and the media, it is given over to Leviathan.

Ideologies such as feminism, on top of that, try to give a moral justification and present an air of superiority to the modern woman. When in the harsh grim reality, the woman is abandoning the most important task of her life, which is to create just, correct and independent human beings to play the bankers' game.

Protecting the family structure is critical to reacting to the state-driven financial system's attempt to impose a global currency and government by essentially making the entire population a slave. In essence, what differentiates men from slaves is precisely the family structure.

The first step in reacting to this attack is to use methodological individualism in family construction. Men and women are biologically different beings with absolutely different roles within a family. Denying feminism and exalting the differences between the sexes is fundamental.

The man has to understand that the system makes his task of male development extremely arduous and much more prolonged than it would be under the gold standard, but this does not give him the right to honor others for the construction of his family. It is necessary to have a low time preference and control sexual impulses, until reaching income, reserves, physical, psychological, moral and ethical development so that at an older age you can start a family without getting into debt, nor relying on the assets of relatives.

The young woman needs to understand that her financial independence does not come from her work in the market, but from marrying a man who can provide for her and raising a family with independent children who will protect her for the rest of her life. True female independence lies in her husband and children. And it is important to understand that her suitors are not the young men who are interested in having a relationship with her, but the men who are able to support her. The feminine value lies in purity and the ability to be faithful and it is essential not to get involved in romances that are not aligned with family formation.

Marriages that reflect the reality of the market and the goal of establishing a traditional family are likely to be young women with financially stable men (most likely with a large age difference from their wife), and they will have the advantage of the woman having support for her fundamental function of giving birth (a task that involves significant changes in the woman's body and is not free of risks to her own life) and raising their children (which especially in the early years requires the full participation of the woman), and of the man being able to provide for his family without getting into debt or consuming the wealth of his relatives, having good values to pass on to his family.

It is essential for parents of men and women approaching the age of marriage to understand this market situation in order to guide their children, protecting them from contracting debts and consuming family wealth, creating commitments that they cannot afford. Ultimately, young people are naïve about love, so wanting to be in a relationship is different from being able to honor your commitment to have a family. And children's marriage is the property of the parents, and the parents must protect the family wealth and realize the subtleties involved, protecting their children from obvious frustrations.