Federative pact, the industry of poverty

Taxes are levied around the country, where the richest pay more and the poorest pay less, and this money is redistributed and used to finance the development of the poorest regions of the country.

Only an absolutely inhuman person would be against that. Sure?


Economic logic is subtle and often counterintuitive, but when applied correctly it allows us to perceive the real wolves in sheep's clothing that prowl society.

To destroy this doctrine and expose its logical fallacies and the parasites who live off taxes, the first task is to analyze how the taxation process works.

Taxation is nothing more than expropriating society under the threat of police violence monopolized by the state. And like any system of robbery, the poorest people are most vulnerable:

The situation of the richest is absolutely opposite in these aspects, and it is impossible to make the richest pay taxes equal to or more than the poorest, because the simple fact of being rich implies that they know and have the resources to better defend their assets and labor from state expropriation.

The poor who know how to defend themselves from the state are not poor, they are rich or become rich.

The rich who do not know how to defend themselves against the state are not rich, they are poor or they become poor.

The next step is to understand the redistribution industry and who the real winners are, so that we can finally destroy this evil doctrine that haunts our lives.

Not all people live on voluntary exchanges, in our society there is an entity called the state, which confiscates the wealth of the population, in theory under emotional blackmail claiming to fight poverty and everything that is evil in the world, in practice under the threat of police violence duly monopolized by this demonic institution.

And for the members of the state, this process of redistribution is their source of income and has its logic extremely clear:

All this analysis was necessary to realize that the federative pact is nothing more than collecting taxes from the poor in rich regions to keep the poor in poor regions always in poverty, thus being permanently valid the industry of parasites that live at the expense of the state.

After dissecting the system, it is easy to see that the state is nothing more than a gang with the objective of lying and using violence against honest people to make the ills that affect the population permanent and, consequently, their income from theft and extortion.

And their modus operandi is always about getting the money through the easiest way, the preference is people in vulnerable situations, abusing cruelty and cowardice in their lies, threats and effective violence against the population.