Sao Paulo's public transport mafia

There is no greater crime in the city of São Paulo than transporting people. The police are absolutely incapable of arresting criminals, but if you risk transporting people without authorization from the city hall, you will know the real police function: To preserve state monopolies.

Who doesn't remember the war waged between the police and the wagons in the 90s, with the urban buses cartelized by criminals linked to the state and absolutely inefficient in their function of transporting people, the wagons appeared, which were lighter, agile, delivered dignified transportation in the outskirts of São Paulo, allowing workers who are fathers of families to arrive at their work with respect, dignity and time savings.

Police violence has not been able to solve the nuisance of the wagons of the criminal cartels that run the buses, it was only the legalization of wagons that made it possible to get rid of them. When you ask the enemy's permission, you have already lost morally, and little by little, without attracting much attention and in a very surreptitious way, the wagons disappear.

This same sad story was repeated and repeats itself every year, innovative initiatives, such as bus apps, rental bikes, electric scooters and many other ideas of visionary entrepreneurs who aimed to improve the quality of transport and reduce costs to users, were treated as criminals by the city hall and were persecuted and had their assets confiscated.

Buses not only force the population to use inferior transport, but are a threat to people's own lives, the number of deaths and multitudes due to being run over by these four-wheeled killing machines only grows, pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists are among the victims. Drivers work inhumane working hours, long hours with extremely low pay, living under the threat of robberies, fear of their bosses, immense pressure and the result is a visibly reckless driving that the material and especially human damage spreads in the city of São Paulo where they pass.

Giving up and accepting defeat is not an option, for those who love São Paulo, for those who depend on transportation to work, for those who want to improve people's lives by undertaking. However, entering this environment does not only require on the part of the entrepreneur his characteristic innovation and efficiency, it also requires realizing that he will have to face the attack of the state sectors dedicated to preserving the monopoly of the bus cartel.

The user is always reminded that insisting on this means of transport is not only choosing the worst possible means of getting there, but also a moral dilemma, each trip represents a vote in a bankrupt system protected by mafias that puts the lives of their fellow human beings at risk. The bicycle is not only good for your health, but also very bad for the São Paulo transport cartel. Leave the buses empty, they don't deserve your presence.