The true nature of civil service.

The promise of stability and security attracts many young people to public service. Who wouldn't want a solid career, with flexible working hours, quality of life, financial stability and full retirement.

Described this way, there is no reason for you to be part of the private sector. However, the greatest demonstration of ignorance in economics is becoming a public servant.

Why? What are the real choices involved in a public career?

To answer this question, the first thing we have to realize is that the state does not work like the private sector. All of its income comes from the expropriation of other people's work, it is a gang in which each person involved in this mafia has a clear role in the objective of increasing and perpetuating this expropriation. While the private sector has its revenue originating from voluntary exchanges.

If this were not enough, the state spends more than it collects through the confiscation of other people's production, and imposes a legal tender through police violence on the population, thus being able to "solve" its budget deficit through inflation.

With this small introduction we are in a position to understand what it means to be a public servant. What people who make this mistake neglect when making this choice:

It is clear that in the best case scenario, people who choose a public career are people who have very little knowledge of economics and the possibilities of entrepreneurship and production through the use of technology, in addition to having no ambition or desire to serve their fellow human beings.

And in the worst case scenario, they are demagogues, psychopaths, maniacs, and all kinds of crazy people, who fulfill themselves professionally in the public service, where being themselves represents hierarchical and financial growth.

Be self-taught, entrepreneurial, keep your distance from public officials and teach what the state is in simple terms to your friends, colleagues and family. Life is too beautiful to get involved with the state.